TOO DARK TO SEE TOMORROW was born in 2014 from the ashes of broken dreams, impossible longings, and haunting moments of truth that - in an incredible synchronicity of overwhelming circumstances - tore apart all that was fake and conditioned in our shared 3D experience.

For to find yourself, you must lose yourself. You must forget everything you’ve been taught and let go of the ambition to belong.
Because there is no other way to embody individuality than to break free from social constraints and freak out. Because self-discovery means freaking out at who you really are and not giving up on yourself.
It is said that the followers will never know how hard the leader is trying to pave the way. But this is not entirely true, because no leader can cross the distance that a follower crosses.
The things that matter in life are the things you have to discover for yourself.
TOO DARK TO SEE TOMORROW believes in the freedom of change and experimentation for the pure sake of discovery.
We serve fashion to the underdogs, misfits, and geniuses who are ready to harness their power of authenticity.
If you feel weird and different, don’t hide it. Own up to it. What makes you different is what makes you strong and unique.
TOO DARK TO SEE TOMORROW looks for designs that are high-vibration, intuitive, and free of cultural expectations.
If that sounds like a mission impossible, it's because you haven’t yet broken free of your personality and stepped into your individuality. But you are on the verge of doing so.
You know it is possible to be unapologetically yourself. You have seen others making their way by staying true to who they are. Nothing can stop you now. The moment of truth has nocked your socks off. You are making this world a truer place by simply being yourself. Thank you.
At TOO DARK TO SEE TOMORROW, we are radical about expressing the value of authentic moments of truth. Think sadness of optical illusions. Think wisdom of forgotten memories. Think kindness of a stranger.
TOO DARK TO SEE TOMORROW is a mission brand serving all unapologetic concepts of freedom to silently express oneself regardless of the constraints of the environment and education.
TOO DARK TO SEE TOMORROW is a rebel brand that is not afraid to stand for the anxious feelings of displacement, frustration, and fragility because we know our visions come from there.
We are the generation that recognizes the truth of secondary emotions and the beauty of rejection as we boldly move forward.
Our ready-to-wear collections evoke the spirit of a rebel too often forgotten behind the bars of misunderstandings and comfort zones.
But now, things are shifting.
Now, we are going to be seen.
"As an anarch, I am determined to go along with nothing, ultimately take nothing seriously – at least not nihilistically, but rather as a border guard in no man's land, who sharpens his eyes and ears between the tides."
Ahmad Alwohaibi, the founder.